Rue Joss Bonanjo, à coté de Camair-Co           Lundi à vendredi 07h30 : 18h00 | Samedi 09h00 : 13h00

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The G.M.C. is expanding its agencies network.

La Garantie Mutuelle des Cadres (GMC) continues its development dynamic as a local insurer by opening a new agency in  Bonamoussadi   at a place called:  “Carrefour Lycée” .


The opening of this agency fulfills the real expectations of the populations of  Douala V  and its surroundings, whose journey towards taking out insurance was punctuated by traffic jams.


Since the  st  June 2016 , these people may turn to a team of young business committed and attentive to their needs and the services offered by a friendly insurance company of its obligations.


Bonamoussadi’s direct office is open 7 days a week:


  • Monday to Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m.
  • Saturday and Sunday, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.

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